Thursday 17 February 2011

This and that.

I have wonderful friends. . And such a variety of personalities and outlooks. I had the opportunity to visit many of them while I was in Toronto recently, and what a wonderfull way to fill up a soul. I think a book could be writen just looking at life through these womens eyes.

One of these ladies is much like my sister, in the way she sees things clearly easily. She gave me wise words and gifted me with a calm certain heart. When she reads this she will know I am talking about her and thanking her all over.

I don't see my friends often enough.

On a totally different note, I will tell you that last week I was the recipient of many "wolf whistles" as I wandered around Tarapoto. Just wandered. I was enjoying myself, the weather and being alive. Somehow my contentment and enjoyment must have given me a certain vivacity that captivated attention. Wow. What a confidence booster. I have never been the type to inspire whistles before (that would be my sister Leanne) and it feels good. And me an old lady of 51!

That is on a good day. Then there are the Dimmage and doltage days when I am lucky if I can get a pair of socks on. Days when my brain just refuses to fire up past the 20% performance meter. Full sentances elude me, as does clear speach. Did I skip meals? Did I drink enough water? Did I get enough sleep? Are my meds off? Why is it that I can have days of strength and confidence, yet sometimes wander around brainless? Whatever.

Brainless days like that make travel planning a challenge, and although I have just arrived in my little slice of heaven I find myself turning to plans for the last few weeks of my time here. It is all very well to sit and enjoy a favored spot, but I am in Peru and should see something new while I am here. So I am headed to Arequipa for the last week of March... it is a city in the south, reputably beautiful, and situatied next to the Colca Canyon, which is considered to be one of the deepest in the world... who can pass that up?

Then if things go well I will make my way back to the Cusco area and see some things I missed last time I was there. If you recall I was ill pretty much the entire time I was there, and there is much to see in the sacred valley that I would like to see. So south, and then UP!

But in the mean time I will enjoy my little slice of paradise right here. My room is perfect, and I can already feel my muse calling loudly. Write. Write. Write.

However I do need to find myself a contemplation / meditation spot. The courtyard at the hostal would be ideal if there weren't people coming and going... however a hostal it is, and housing hoards is its lifeblood. No, I will need to wander around the outskirts of town and find a quiet place among the farms I think. We'll see. Finding the perfect spot makes the difference between some nice scenery and having a joy filled heart. Very important.

Off to the market I go...

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